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Writer's pictureAnushka Sharma


Updated: Aug 11

Writing this at a time when the world is busy social distancing and quarantining seems fairly appropriate. We as humans are programmed to be around other humans, it gives us warmth and sense of belongingness. We often choose to share our best and our worst with people. Socializing is seen as customary and meeting people is an inevitable affair when you begin to go to school, college, work. However, when you enter with the same principles to an introvert’s world everything I listed above has a fresh shade to it. It took plenty of parties and socializing before I coined myself into this category so here I am, selectively social and happy in isolation with a family of three. You see, we as introverts have usually had this life, we love to watch movies by ourselves or read a book, we love having a cup of tea by the balcony lost in our thoughts, we prefer a solo loud music concert while sipping on that beer or even watch a football match in the wee hours of the night in solitude. Of course, we love our friends and family, but loneliness is a skewed concept for us. We would any day prefer staying indoors in our happy abode.

Our equilibrium lies in limited interaction and a long one on one conversation, having said that, even though human behavior is subjective and has a variety of thousands of traits that are individual to us, what I am trying to bring under this umbrella are a bunch of observations. We as introverts, definitely speak less when we are in a crowd of more than 3 maybe, and have a little stream of thoughts running, about everyone else in the room. We love to analyze, most of the time, sometimes we can't help it, sometimes we cloud our judgment with our own analysis. We rarely find groups or people we open up to and if we do, we like to be vulnerable, unapologetic and pour it all out. We meticulously define our confidants, with a comfort zone which stretches out gradually into relations, we hold onto them very tightly. Communication is not our forte, neither is an expression but are good listeners. We appreciate games as long as we choose who plays. We would never choose group treks and hikes and a born fire with a set of new stories does not intrigue us at all, we would rather hear the same stories again and again. We are good at bottling up emotions and reciting dialogues in our minds instead of an actual argument. We are awkward at most crowded places and parties. We like to keep things to ourselves till we are filled with remorse to the brim. We have limited friends so we have fewer people for 2 AM calls. We attract only our kind, no we are not a cult, but maybe we would love to have it one day. All of this is not me only, it's a little bit of everyone who reached this far and is reading this.

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